Generic FAQ’s for Chatbots:
1. What is a chatbot?
Ans: Chatbot is not a rocket science, which would require one to study in-depth technology or get a detailed info. What one needs to know is that, a user now isn’t going to be solely dependent on calls and getting stuck on the lines for hours and hours together, waiting for an answer. In these digital times, chatbots are here to stay and also take care of the user’s query, ensuring it is resolved soon.
In today’s context, chatbots are fun to be with and can help the customers achieve what they want. Today, Use of chatbots are seen as easy and fun ways to help customers achieve an outcome. You’ll encounter them on web sites, social media and even on your smartphone. Say hello to Siri, Allo and Alexa, to name a few Various examples of chatbots as we see are as follows:
Weather bot. Get the regular updates on weather and the forecast.
Grocery bot. This helps you choose the groceries for the entire week.
News bot. Helps you in being updated with the latest weather updates.
Personal finance bot. It helps you manage your money better.
2. How many users at a time could be supported?
Ans: Many users can be supported and their queries are answered at the same time.
3. How to verify user is genuine or not?
Ans: Chatbots use these basic processes to ensure security of the user:
Authentication (wherein the identity of the user is verified)
Authorization (the user the process of granting a user permission to execute a given task). The user requests sent through chatbots are verified, allowing them to verify their identity without repeatedly entering their login credentials.
4. How secured is a chatbot?
Ans: User identity authentication: A user’s identity is verified with secure login credentials, such as a username and password. These credentials are exchanged for a secure authenticated token that is used to continually verify the identity of the user.
Two-factor authentication: A user is required to verify their identity through two separate channels (e.g., once by email, then again by text message).
5. How to handle Injection and hacking threats.
Ans: Consumers are already using chatbots on a range of messaging platforms such as Facebook Messenger, What’s App, Siri, etc. It is a well-known fact that, security is an important concern for any technology and looking at the way the tech trends are increasing, the concern & security around chatbots becomes equally important. They are a new technology in terms of a user using it, but the fact is that they operate on standard & secured IP’s (Internet Protocols), which have been around for a long time.
With every web technology, security threats will always be there, which is a fact of life – that all systems have weaknesses. However, with careful safeguarding of attack vectors, security vulnerabilities can be mitigated.
6. Would a chatbot need a speech recognition feature?
Ans: – Looking at the recent trends happening around, the voice-based virtual assistants have become popular amongst all. For eg: Apple’s Siri, Microsoft’s Cortana, Google Assistant, and Amazon’s Alexa are now accessible to the masses and can carry out an ever-increasing number of tasks. With the rising popularity of voice-activated devices for the home (such as the Amazon Echo and Google Home), voice-activated chatbots will only become more prevalent and sophisticated.
7. What if the voice based chatbot isn’t working or out of ones reach?
Ans – When a voice-activated device isn’t available or doesn’t work, one can take the help of a simple text message to communicate rather than talk or use speech based recognition inputs. As we all know, there’s the text-based conversations which are already existing. One could send a simple message to a chatbot across various messaging platforms, from mobile messaging apps like Facebook Messenger to plain old SMS messaging.
With chatbots now into the picture and providing a future ready artificial intelligence technology, it becomes nonetheless very important to understand the various functionalities and also get acquainted with the latest tech norms and make oneself adaptable to the same.
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