The year 2019 was a big one for data science enthusiasts. The global data science market touched USD 189 billion in 2019, and is expected to grow further to USD 274 billion by 2022, representing a very healthy compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13.1%. And a further, strong push also comes from Industry 4.0 and the accompanying transformation where data is gathered and analyzed across machines, with a goal of faster, more flexible, and more efficient production of higher-quality goods at lower costs.
What this represents is:
Numerous job opportunities: in the form of high-potential and rewarding jobs for roles such as data scientists, Big Data developers, analytics specialists, insights analysts, and business intelligence developers
Opportunities for businesses: by reducing costs, improving operational efficiencies, recognizing new market opportunities and increasing competitive advantage
Download the DASCA Factsheet “Data Science Job Opportunities in the Digital Economy – Review 2019 and Forecast 2020” for a highlight of past trends, emerging data science jobs, key findings, interpretations, challenges and conclusions for the Big Data and analytics job market.
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