Heart-healthy Diet. How does it reduce heart problems?
Heart disease is also known as cardiovascular or coronary disease. Heart disease is a condition for narrow or blocked blood vessels. Small vessels lead to chest pain, heart attack, or stroke. According to a severe cardiologist in Gurgaon, some of the common cardiovascular diseases are hypertension, heart failure, atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat), heart valve problems, and congenital heart defects.
Heart disease or heart problems are getting common nowadays and becoming a leading killer of men and women. The food you eat matters just as much as of weight control, less drinking, no smoking, and regular exercise for keeping your heart in shape. According to the best heart hospital in Gurgaon, a heart-healthy diet reduces the risk of heart attack by 80%. When a person diagnoses with cardiovascular disease at that time, he/she goes through an emotional toll. Being diagnosed with heart disease can affect a person's mood, outlook, and quality of life.
Nowadays, a lot of people are facing heart problems. Most of the people are getting diagnosed with severe cardiovascular disease due to poor eating habits, intake of imbalanced, and unhealthy foods. That is why, today, we came up with various things that can help you improve your dietary plans.
Below are a few things that you need to know about. So let's take a look at what are these:
A heart-healthy diet (internal linking)
Heart problems due to food
Severe forms of diet you can have
Best wishes from Healthy Hearts Gurgaon
A heart-healthy diet
A heart-healthy diet or we can say cardiac Diet an unofficial term. A cardiac diet is a plan to eat plenty of nutrient-rich foods build around real and natural food from farm, ground, and ocean-like fruits & vegetables, fish, poultry products, whole grain. And you are avoiding the excess of sugar & sodium, trans fats, saturated fats, processed food, packaged foods, and salt, etc. A proper meal pattern is more important than specific foods because no single food can make you magically healthy.
If your target is to improve your cardiovascular/heart health, then the cardiac Diet can help you achieve your goal. Apart from that, if you are suffering from hypertension, have a high cholesterol level, or diagnosed with heart disease, then also these heart-healthy tips can help you better manage your condition and lower your risk of any heart problems.
Colorful fruits and vegetables—fresh or frozen
High-fiber cereals, pieces of bread, and pasta made from whole grains or legumes
High-quality protein, such as fish and poultry
Organic dairy such as eggs, skim milk, or unsweetened yogurt
Healthy fats (raw nuts, olive oil, fish oils, flaxseeds, and avocados).
Trans fats from partially hydrogenated or deep-fried foods; saturated fats from fried food, fast food, and snack foods.
Packaged foods, especially those high in sodium and sugar
White or egg pieces of bread, sugary cereals, refined kinds of pasta or rice
Processed meat such as bacon, sausage, and salami, and fried chicken
Yogurt with added sugar; processed cheese
Heart problems due to food
Everyone knows that a poor diet raises the risk of cardiovascular deaths. Various conditions come under the umbrella of cardiovascular diseases due to inadequate dietary plans, which are heart failure, heart stroke, heart attack, heart disease. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cardiovascular diseases is the leading cause of death all over the globe. Top cardiologist in Gurgaon says approximately 31% of all deaths happen due to heart disease, half of which could prevent with a healthful diet. According to the researchers, both a lack of wholesome foods and a high intake of unhealthful food are the major causes of cardiovascular deaths. Low consumption of vegetables and nuts & seeds are two leading dietary risk factors for cardiovascular mortality.
Most of the time, heart disease occurs due to poor lifestyle choices, whether its tobacco use, smoking, excess of alcohol, lack of physical activity, and unhealthy diet. But not in all the cases. Heart disease may also occur due to genetic abnormalities affecting the heart, infections, age, gender, and family histories, which are not related to lifestyle choices.
An unhealthy diet firstly leads to conditions that are precursors to heart disease such as high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes. But if these conditions continue for a more extended period and left unattended, than it can lead to serious heart problems. Long term heart diseases can lead to plaque formation in vessel walls. Plaque in vessels occurs with no symptoms and narrows the arteries, which may lead to a heart attack without warning.
Severe forms of Diet you can have
There are thousands of diets that people follow, some of which are for losing weight, while others are for gaining weight, lowering cholesterol, lowering hypertension, living a long and healthful life. But at the end of the day. All the forms of Diet focus on the needful nutrients for your body and healthy life. Each type of Diet automatically helps you achieve good health for your heart. The best heart specialist in Gurgaon recommends not to stick on one form of eating for a very long period, keep on switching to other types of diet plans as well. So that you can get the best results from all, below are some of the diets given. Lets's take a look into it.
The zone diet
Zone diet was developed more than 30 years ago by Dr. Barry Sears (biochemist). Dr. Barry Sears published his book The Zone (best-selling book) in 1995. The logic behind the Zone diet was the consumption of protein, fat, and carbohydrate in the right ratio can control insulin levels in the blood. Dr. Sears's family died from heart attacks at an early age. Sears felt the risk of premature death, decided to find a way to fight it, and developed the zone diet. Too much hormone can increase fat storage and inflammation in the body. Zone diet gives assurity to reduce inflammation in bloodstreams, which is the main reason for age faster, sickness, heart diseases, and weight gain.
Zone diet says the best way to regulate metabolism is to consume 40% carbohydrates, 30% fats, and 30% protein (popularly known as 40-30-30 plan). The Diet only restricts high fat, high protein, and high carbohydrate foods instead of prohibiting them and recommends monosaturated fats (olive oil, avocados, almonds). Zone diet is designed to be followed for a lifetime and has no specific phases, but there are two ways to develop the zone diet. One way is the hand-eye method, and the other is zone food blocks (more advanced). Both the technique have their advantages and can switch whenever they feel necessary.
Atkins diet
Atkins diet was developed in the 1960s by Robert c. Atkins(cardiologist). It is a popular low-carbohydrate diet plan. Atkins diet lowers the number of carbohydrates in your Diet and emphasizes more on protein and fats. The main purpose of this Diet is to change your eating habits. The focus of this Diet was to help you lose weight and maintain it but later on a diet faced criticism due to high saturated fat consumption & considered as unhealthy due to which several health authorities demonized Atkins diet.
Atkins diet leads not only to successful weight loss stories but people also found it helpful in maintaining blood sugar levels & good cholesterol levels, boost energy and improve metabolic syndrome, etc. Later on, the main focus of the Atkins diet shifted only from weight loss to health & weight loss by eating the right balance of carbohydrates, protein, and fats. But the Atkins diet says you don't need to cut off fatty cuts of meat or trim off excess fat by keeping in mind other related health problems. You are controlling the intake of carbohydrates matters most. Atkins diet is not a high-protein diet; it encourages more consumption of protein & fat, only restricts carbohydrates. Like any diet plan, the Atkins diet is also evolving. Now, this Diet addresses even more health problems that may arise due to low-carb eating, encourage high-fiber vegetables, and accompany vegan needs too.
Ketogenic Diet
Ketogenic or in short keto diet is quite similar to the Atkins diet. It is also a low carbohydrate diet, just like Atkins. The ketogenic diet is low in carbs and high in fats.
Keto diet replaces the carbohydrate with fat in your diet plans. The purpose of this replacement is to put your body into a metabolic state which is known as ketosis and shifts the metabolism of the body from carbs to fat & ketones. In the state of ketosis, a person's body become even more efficient at burning fat which helps in a massive reduction of blood sugar and insulin levels. The primary purpose of this Diet is to burn the fat in the liver into ketones.
The main reasons behind diabetes are changes in metabolism, impaired insulin function, high blood sugar, etc. The Ketogenic Diet focuses on curing all these problems. This Diet helps you not only to lose weight but also to maintain the right sugar levels, cure prediabetes, and metabolic syndrome. The ketogenic diet is short-term in nature, but if you follow it for an extended period, then it can provide several health benefits. The ketogenic diet can help you cure heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's disease, epilepsy, brain injuries, acne, PCOS and Parkinson's conditions, etc.
South beach diet
South Beach diet was invented by Arthur Agatston, cardiologist of Miami, in the 1990s. Arthur named his Diet south beach diet in his area of practice. Arthur tried to change the eating pattern of his patients by creating his healthy Diet, that is when he invented the south beach diet. The motto of Arthur was to prevent his patients from severe medical conditions like type 2 diabetes, heart diseases, etc. and safeguard their health in the long term.
After analyzing the fantastic results from his patient, he decided to publish the book on this Diet so that many other people can also take advantage of this Diet. This Diet will help you eliminate bad carbohydrates from your Diet. South Beach diet enables you to decide which carbs one should avoid by using the glycemic index so that you can maintain a healthy blood sugar level as well. South beach diet helps tremendously in reducing various cardiovascular diseases.
Mediterranean Diet
Like all other diets, Mediterranean diets also guide you with what to eat and what not to eat. The secret behind naming this Diet as the Mediterranean diet is mediterranean sea and eating habits of people around the sea. This Diet based on the eating habits and patterns of people in Italy and Greece back in 1960. Studies showed people in Italy and Greece were healthy & had a low risk of diseases compared to people in other countries.
The Mediterranean diet came from people around the mediterranean sea; that is why there is no single right way to follow this Diet. Mediterranean Diet can lower your risk of heart attacks, premature deaths, strokes, and type 2 diabetes. The Diet includes intake of water as a go-to beverage, a moderate amount of red wine (1 glass per day), and exclusion of sugar-sweetened drinks. Although the consumption of wine is entirely optional.
Apart from all the diets mentioned above, there are various other diets as well, which focuses on reducing heart diseases and a healthy lifestyle. Other diets like a vegan diet, raw food diet, and vegetarian Diet are also delicious options to adopt. Again there is no single diet form need to adapted; switching between different diet plans is recommended to achieve the best results.
Best wishes from a healthy heart Gurgaon!!!
If you are planning to commence their journey of the heart-healthy Diet, at first, you might find it challenging and demanding to see the best dietary plan for you; you are not alone.
Although the challenge to maintain a healthy diet is not entirely unjustified, a little research about your food types, precautions of what kind of food needs to be to avoid or consume. And teaming with an excellent doctor or a cardiologist like Dr. Monik Mehta can make it long term and successful.
Find the best cardiologist and a dietician(if needed) who compassionately discusses the details of your heart diseases and heart's health in the longer term. Dr. Monik Mehta is one of the best heart Doctors in Gurgaon.
It is our VISION to set benchmarks in the field of cardiology globally, through cutting edge technology, most advanced treatment protocols, & a highly acclaimed team of doctors & supporting staff.
Happy environment, Happy you, Happy heart.
Best Wishes from HealthyHeartsGurgaon
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