As a business enterprise, you may have chosen to build a single page web app to help your target audience connect with your brand. For this you will need to hire an Angular front end developer who can use Angular and other technology stacks to build an attractive and user-friendly single page web application platform.
Of course there are several other platforms that you can use to build something like this, but Angular is the best option for front-end development. One key reason behind this is that Angular comes with peer-to-peer single web page solutions, which means that Angular developers can create stunning web pages in minimum time, while ensuring that these pages are usable and authentic. So if you hire an Angular front-end developer is good business sense, and there are several aspects that you need to keep in mind and use to evaluate the candidates. But there is one important question that we would like to address and clarify about Angular JS development. What is Angular, what is Angular JS, and are they the same or different?
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