Top 5 Must Need WordPress Plugins for Bloggers

Hey Blogger, today I’m going to share something for beginner bloggers. Most of the time I faced a common question that which plugins I use and what should use a WordPress blog?

The plugin is as like mobile app that helps you to customize your WordPress site without coding. Here I will show you top 5 WordPress Free Plugins that every blogger should use.

Remember, using a third party or un-trusted plugin could be a reason for your site hack. So before using any plugin, check review and experts opinion.

1.     Yoast SEO Plugin

On-Page SEO is too much important for bloggers. While you publish any kinds of content, you need to check some on-page metrics and Yoast SEO plugin helps you to optimize those properly. Let see what you can do with Yoast SEO plugin.

  • Check your Keyword Density
  • Word Count
  • Readability
  • Image Optimization
  • Keyword Positioning
  • Proper Title and URL
  • SEO Friendly Content

Before publishing every content I highly suggest you correct your all data with that awesome plugin. You can use it for free. But it has a premium version too. For small online business or websites, it doesn’t need premium version.

2.     WordFence

Do you know, 1 out of 10 websites get hacked because of security issue? WordPress is the easiest CMS to hack for hackers (according to statistics). But if you follow some simple steps to configure your security, it becomes the hardest CMS to hack.

WordFence is a free plugin that helps to secure your whole website. It keeps safe your website from DDoS attack and fake log in attempt.

Most of the time hackers use programming script to reach victim site. And WordFence easily can defend those attacks.

I highly suggest this plugin for your WordPress site to make sure you’re secure on the internet.


  • Can alert you to any kinds of security issue
  • Collect all log in attempt data
  • Block spam IP

3.     Wp Optimize

Wp Optimize is a plugin that feels me light and fresh. If you use this plugin, it will delete all unnecessary junk from your database.

Let’s see what its features are.

  • Compact MySQL Database
  • Remove Spam Comments Automatically
  • Remove Trash Contents
  • Remove Auto Revision
  • Make your site Mobile Friendly
  • Show your database situation

If you want to optimize your site speed then must install that plugin.

4.     Google Analytics Dashboard

There is few plugin that has this feature, I suggest Google Analytics Dashboard for Wp(GADWP) for everyone.

Why should you use this plugin?

  • Check Real Time Visitor
  • Help to understand audience
  • Find your most popular content
  • All traffic sources
  • Demography details

There are many more features that Analytics has. You will be able to see these on your WordPress site instead of Google Analytics.

That plugin helps to understand the audience.

5.     Contact Form 7

You should be aware of your contact form. I suggest Contact form 7 for all. This form helps your audience to contact you easily.

If someone wants to reach you, then they can use that contact from easily.


I want to mention that, using too many plugins could be a reason for your site low loading speed. So you just need to use must needed plugins. I think those I’ve mentioned are must needed plugins.

Keep rocking.

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